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Cutting costs: maximizing results with Free WordPress Themes

WordPress is the king of many websites set up. Not as if it is the best but yet, it is the simplest.

You want your website to start out, right? Here is the thing.

Up till now, a lot of people do not grab the idea that the way their Website is designed has a lot to do with their ranking.

The truth is, the more we appear to be enjoying a site - interpreted through signals like the amount of time we spend on a page before exiting, or the number of pages we browse through - the more likely it is to get a nice boost up on its SEO scorecard.

Website Menu

Does providing a great website menu ring a bell? Well, in addition to throwing visitors a navigational lifeline, the menu headlines and titles provide your site with a defined hierarchical structure - which Google loves to eat for dinner .

Image Optimization

This again is so important. Pictures are worth a thousand words, right? Except for when it comes to SEO.

Here’s the thing: the Google and Bing bots scanning your site for keywords don’t actually know how to “read” pictures - even ones with text on them - like our human brains do. What does that tell you? You need to do something about it.

There are more concepts to discuss but let's tart here. This is what we are trying to do.

Perhaps you are on a low budget in terms of getting a premium WordPress Theme or Plugin, why not, when you can use the free ones to get started? You see, we are not just here to recommend the best fit premium WordPress Themes for you to buy, No. We are here for you.

In here, we are considering many REASONS you might not want to go for a premium just yet, so, we are poised to improvise your WordPress design to what you find using a premium theme. I mean, with our set-up, you might just forgo buying premium (for now) without any code broken or tampered with.

All in all, we are here to redesign and give you great WordPress themes for your business and personal use.

Do check out some of our work. Welcome.

Free WordPress Themes

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